People have been known to go to extreme lengths to get their hands on the latest iPhone. Everyone wishes to own an iPhone. The growing appeal of the iPhone is unending. It is one of the most wanted smartphones among smartphone enthusiasts.
The obsession with it is so intense that people have often gone above and beyond the Call of Duty to obtain an iPhone. Here are a few shocking things people will do to get an iPhone.
Selling Organs
In 2011, a Chinese teenager known only as "Zhao" attempted to sell his kidney to buy an iPhone and iPad. He was approached by a group of individuals on the internet who promised him 20,000 yuan(about $3,000) if he would donate one of his kidneys. Zhao agreed to the deal and traveled to a hospital where the surgery was performed. After the operation, Zhao only received a portion of the Promised amount and suffered from renal failure. The case made headlines worldwide and led to a Crackdown on the illegal organ trade in China.
Camping out for weeks
When the iPhone 6 was released in 2014, some die-hard fans of the Apple brand went to extreme lengths to be among the first to get their hands on the latest model. In Australia, a group camped outside an Apple Store for two weeks, enduring rain, cold, and even a spider infestation. In New York City, one man reportedly waited outside an Apple Store for 22 days, surviving on a diet of pizza and energy drinks. Some people even paid several hundred Dollars to wait in line for long hours to buy the latest iPhone. While waiting in line for days or weeks may seem like an extreme measure to some, it has become a tradition for many Apple fans.
Changing the name to iPhone
In 2016, a Ukrainian man legally changed his name to "iPhone 7" to win a free smartphone from a local electronic store. The man formerly known as Alexander Turin took advantage of a promotional offer that promised a free iPhone to anyone who legally changed their name to the device's name. Turin took the offer one step further by adding the number "7" to his name, making him officially "iPhone sim" (sim translates to 7 in the local language) in Ukrainian. While the stunt garnered media attention, it also raised concerns about the lengths people will go to for material possessions.
Used a wedding as a guarantee to get an iPhone
To tie the knot with the woman he had proposed to in 2014, a Saudi guy was required to pay an iPhone 6 as a dowry. Even the iPhone was not intended for the Bride. The bride-to-be's brother made the strange request; he wanted the new iPhone 6 to be given to him as soon as it was available in the UAE.
Sold their newborn
According to a report, a couple in China sold their newborn daughter for CNY 50,000 (about RS. 5,00,000) to purchase various expensive products, including iPhones. The couple, who had already had two children, had anonymously advertised in the newspaper that they would give up their unborn child for the stated sum. When they were arrested, the couple claimed that they had given up their daughter to ensure a future with a family that could provide her with an education which the authorities did not believe.
Rent out girlfriend
In 2014, a man desperately needing cash to purchase an iPhone 6 resorted to sharing his girlfriend with others. The man, a student at Songjiang University in China, put up a banner offering others the chance to "rent" his girlfriend for an hour, a day, or a month. The arrangement stipulates that "no funny business" is connected with the girl and that the prospective suitors are only permitted to eat and study with her.

You could imagine that getting an iPhone would be the best thing you've ever done, but regardless of whether you use an iPhone or not, life is just incredibly unfair. Apple's iPhone 15 is expected to be launched on August 23, 2023, and many expect to see what crazy acts people would do to get it.
Although many people want an iPhone, it is never worth putting one's health or safety in danger for it. People should always remember that material belongings are not the most significant aspects of life and should not be prioritized over other things. Instead, let's concentrate on creating deep connections, following our passions, and leading fulfilled lives.
Also, read our article on how to do cool camera tricks with your iPhone.