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Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse VP Harris for President

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By Ehimen Aimudogbe - - 5 Mins Read
Former US president Barrack Obama pointing to the left with a smile
Barrack Obama | Shutterstock

Barack Obama endorses Harris to replace Biden in the White House, alongside former First Lady Michelle Obama, in a highly anticipated but crucial move for the Democrats toward the 2024 US Presidential elections. A video depicting a phone call between both parties reveals the conversation, as all appears set for Harris to emerge as the Democrats’ Presidential nominee.

Last “Major” Democratic Endorsement for a Harris Presidency

The former first couple have trodden carefully after Biden endorsed Kamala Harris to replace him as the party's nominee for the 2024 US Presidential elections. Their public demeanor held sway as Harris secured the delegate commitments, raised over $120 million, and received several vital endorsements across the party.

Perhaps Barrack and Michelle Obama would be remembered for this characteristic "public caution" around similar topics, including Biden's election run against Donald Trump in 2020. The former President similarly maintained a quiet demeanor in the weeks between Biden's presidential debate against Trump, only speaking publicly after Biden quit pursuing a second term in office.

After Biden quit the Presidential race, Obama penned a release that he had “extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.” An adviser to the former President reportedly claimed Obama would rather work to unify the party around whoever emerges as its Presidential nominee.

Coming from the most popular Democrats in the United States of America today, the Obamas' endorsement of Harris for the Presidency suggests that the Democratic Party largely unifies around Harris' White House bid towards the 2024 elections. It also spotlights an "already" historic call between America's first Black President and its first female/Asian Vice President.

Summary of the Endorsement Video

“We called to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office," says Barack Obama to the Vice President as she walks backstage at an event trailed by a Secret Service agent, according to the video.

Michelle Obama adds, "I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, Kamala, I am proud of you," while alluding to a "historic" electioneering process in the face of Harris' emergence.

Harris thanked the former first couple for their support and said she anticipates the party’s campaigning activities alongside them towards the November 5 Presidential elections.

According to a survey by the Associated Press, Harris has already secured the approval of the majority of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention, which kicks off August 19 in Chicago. Meanwhile, Harris is set to announce her potential running mate by August 7. Meanwhile, voting toward officially nominating Harris will reportedly begin this Thursday.


Michael Obama endorses Harris to run for US Presidency alongside Michelle Obama, according to a video relaying a conversation between both parties. The Vice President appreciates the support of the former First Couple, saying that she anticipates what Michelle calls a "historic" electioneering process.
