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Calls For Finnish PM Sanna Marin To Resign Intensifies

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By Shella Artillero - - 5 Mins Read

After being filmed dancing, singing, and drinking at a recent party, the government of Finland reports that Prime Minister Sanna Marin tested negative for drugs.

To satisfy concerns about her behavior, Ms. Marin, 36, consented to take the test on Friday. Although she claims to have never used drugs and to have done nothing wrong during the party, she does admit to drinking beer.

"No drugs were found in the test," according to a government statement. It added that the prime minister had paid the costs of the test herself.

After the videos were made public, Ms Marin received criticism from a number of politicians and members of the public. The Opposition leader even demanded that she submit to a drug test.

WATCH: Sanna Marin faces backlash after "wild party" videos were leaked

Reporters questioned whether the prime minister would have been able to make snap governmental decisions if necessary.

She defended herself by asserting that she was "very good" at functioning and that she had never used drugs, not even as a teenager.

Last year, Sanna Marin went on a night out in Helsinki, hours after her foreign minister had tested positive to COVID-19.

Critics questioned her judgment for not isolating until testing negative.
