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Fever Dreams: What's Coming When You See Things That Aren't There

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By Christian Webster - - 5 Mins Read
Scary hallucination illustration near a bedside
Photo | Shutterstock

When we dream every night, our dreams can be particularly vivid or frightening when we're sick. These intense dreams during episodes of high body temperature are called fever dreams. 

Sometimes, these dreams are just abnormally dramatic and memorable, but they can be upsetting for some people. Fever dreams occur when our body's temperature rises, typically due to an infection or other illness.

When We Get Fever Dreams

The most obvious time we get fever dreams is when we have a fever—a core body temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Our normal body temperature ranges between 97 and 99 degrees.

When fighting an infection, one of our immune system’s main defense mechanisms is turning up the heat.

Most viruses and bacteria thrive at our normal body temperature, so raising the temperature by a few degrees makes it harder for temperature-sensitive pathogens to survive. This means you’re most likely to have fever dreams when you have an infection or other illness-causing higher temperatures than normal.


However, there are other scenarios where you can still experience fever dreams.

Suppose your core temperature rises because of conditions outside your body, such as wearing heavy layers in warm weather or spending too much time in the sun, known as hyperthermia.

In that case, you can experience hallucinations and scary fever dreams. These can be symptoms of both heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

Why We Get Fever Dreams

Nobody knows for sure why we experience regular dreams, and the same holds for why we experience fever dreams.

Scientists believe high core body temperatures disrupt the brain’s ability to think normally, leading to lower cognitive function and sometimes even wake-time hallucinations.


Combine the feverish brain’s cognitive impairment with the fact that core body temperature rises during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM sleep), and this increased elevation may impact your brain’s normal dreaming activity, leading to intense or unpleasant dreams.

How Are Fever Dreams Different From Other Dreams?

Fever dreams differ from other dreams because they are often more vivid and unusual. They tend to feel more negative and involve fewer positive emotions than other recent non-fever dreams. 

Additionally, in fever dreams, the sleeper interacts with fewer dream characters or figures. Specific aspects of fever dreams can include:

  1. Spatial Distortion

Moving walls, objects melting, and spaces changing size were the most common types of dreams in one study of fever dreams.

  1. Threats or Danger: 

Study participants reported that their fever dreams contained threats from dogs, insects, terrorists, and stones.

  1. Illness: 

Types of illness in dreams may vary. In one study case , sleepers dreamed about illnesses such as respiratory distress, pain, and vertigo.

How to Prevent Scary Fever Dreams

For some people, intense dreams while they’re sick don’t bother them, but for others, fever dreams are often nightmares that can cause anxiety surrounding sleep, fear of falling asleep, or in the severest cases, psychological trauma. 


There’s no magic bullet for all fever dreams, but if you want to prevent them, controlling your core body temperature is a good start.


To keep your fever down:

  1. Eat easy-on-the-stomach foods: 

Foods like those on the BRAT diet can help.

  1. Drink lots of fluids: 

Staying hydrated is crucial.

  1. Get plenty of rest: 

Your body needs more rest when fighting an illness.

  1. Take an NSAID: 

Medications like ibuprofen or aspirin can help lower a fever.

  1. Shower in lukewarm or cool water: 

This can help reduce body temperature.

The Difference Between Fever Dreams and Normal Dreams

Fever dreams can be quite different from the dreams you might have on a regular night. While they can be unsettling, remembering that they're a temporary and natural response to illness can provide some reassurance. Here are some ways to differentiate between dreams and hallucinations:


  1. More Intense Emotions: 

Fever dreams often come with stronger emotions. You might feel fear, sadness, or confusion more deeply in these dreams.

  1. Troubling Content: 

Many people find that their fever dreams are troubling or disturbing. They might involve unusual or unsettling scenarios that don't usually show up in normal dreams.

Strangeness: In fever dreams, you might dream about peculiar things that don't make sense or have a strange mix of people and places that don't usually go together.


  1. Scarier Experiences: 

Fever dreams are often more frightening than your average dream and might cause anxiety or fear.

  1. Distorted Perception of Space and Time: 

In fever dreams, how you perceive space and time can be skewed. Things might seem bigger or smaller than they are, or time might seem to speed up or slow down.


6 Ways to Prevent Fever Dreams

When you're dealing with a fever, vivid and often unsettling fever dreams can occur. But there are ways to reduce the chances of having these intense dreams. 


These tips are to help you feel more comfortable and possibly prevent fever dreams, but if your fever is high or you're feeling unwell, it's best to see a doctor.

  1. Get Plenty of Rest

When you're sick, your body needs more rest than usual. Getting enough sleep gives your body the time it needs to fight off the illness. Try to create a comfortable, restful sleep environment. This means sleeping in a quiet, dark room and on a comfortable bed.

  1. Stay Hydrated

When you have a fever, it’s important to drink a lot of fluids like water and drinks with electrolytes (without added sugar). The extra hydration helps your body cool down and fight off illness. Try water, fresh fruit juices, or herbal teas, but remember to avoid caffeine as it can make it harder to sleep.

  1. Eat Light and Easy-to-Digest Foods

If your physician has cleared you to eat them, try to eat a little, even if you don’t feel like it. Stick to foods that are easy on your stomach, like toast, rice, or bananas. These won't overwork your digestive system and can help keep your energy up.


  1. Take Lukewarm Baths

A cool bath can help bring down your body temperature. But make sure the water is lukewarm, not cold—cold water can shock your system, which isn't good when you're already feeling unwell.

  1. Manage Room Temperature

Keep your room at a comfortable temperature—not too hot and not too cold. Sometimes, a slightly cooler room can help you sleep better when you have a fever.

  1. Try Over-the-Counter Fever Reducers

Medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) can effectively reduce fever. By lowering your body temperature, these medications may help reduce the intensity of fever dreams. However, it's important to use them as directed and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if the fever is persistent or if you have other health conditions.


Fever dreams are a fascinating yet unsettling phenomenon that many experience during illness. These intense, often negative dreams result from the brain's impaired cognitive function due to high body temperatures. The when and why we get fever dreams, and their unique characteristics, is something that needs to be studied. 


Steps to prevent scary fever dreams, such as staying hydrated, eating light foods, and managing your fever with appropriate medications, can make a difference.
