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Cleaning Up Your Yard in Fall: Valuable Tips

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By Temitope Akinloye - - 5 Mins Read
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Man cleaning yard with rake during fall | Yay Images

As the vibrant hues of fall fill your yard, it’s time to prepare your outdoor space for the upcoming winter. Fall yard cleaning is essential to ensure your lawn and garden are not only healthy, but also ready to thrive when spring arrives. Here are some fall yard cleaning tips to make the job easier.

Clear Fallen Leaves the Right Way

While the colorful leaves look beautiful, they can smother your lawn if left in place, leading to mold and pests. To prevent this, regularly rake or blow leaves off the grass. Using a tarp is a great tip to make collection easier—simply rake the leaves onto the tarp and drag them away for disposal or composting.

Instead of bagging leaves for the landfill, consider mulching them with your lawnmower. Mulched leaves break down quickly, returning valuable nutrients to the soil.

Aerate and Overseed Your Lawn

Aeration is a key fall task that helps break up compacted soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots. If you notice water pooling in areas of your lawn, it’s a sign that aeration is needed. You can use a garden fork for small areas, but for larger lawns, renting a walk-behind lawn aerator might be more efficient​. Aeration also prevents thatch buildup and helps your lawn absorb the nutrients it needs during the winter.

Final Mowing and Lawn Feeding

Before winter sets in, give your lawn one last mow. Cutting it shorter—about 1.25 to 2.5 inches—prepares the grass for winter and reduces the chances of fungal diseases. However, don’t cut it too short, as the grass still needs to photosynthesize to store energy for the colder months.

Prune and Protect Trees and Shrubs

Fall is the ideal time to trim back dead or damaged branches. Pruning now reduces the risk of weak branches breaking under the weight of snow and ice during winter. Be cautious when pruning large trees to avoid injuries that come with maintenance or consider calling a professional if necessary. Also, prune overgrown shrubs and bushes, but avoid cutting spring-blooming plants, as this could reduce next year’s flowers.

Clean Out Gutters

Clogged gutters can cause serious problems when winter arrives. Leaves and debris trapped in gutters can lead to water backup, which may damage your roof or siding. Use a leaf blower or gutter scoop to clear them out, ensuring proper water drainage when it rains or snows.

Weed and Clean Up Garden Beds

Weeds left unchecked will return stronger in the spring. Tidy up garden beds by removing spent annuals and pruning perennials to help them store energy in their roots. For vegetable gardens, pull out old plants and add a layer of compost to prepare the soil for the next growing season. This step also helps suppress weeds and enriches the soil with nutrients.

Valuable Takeaway

Lawn cleanup in the fall may feel like a lot of work, but it's an investment in your yard’s safety and health. By learning how to clean your yard in the fall, you’ll ensure a beautiful lawn in the spring and also prevent potential problems during the winter.

Plus, working in the crisp autumn air can be surprisingly rewarding, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment as your yard gets ready for its long winter nap!
