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Dangerous 11-Year-Old Apprehended by New Mexico Police Following Scary Crime Spree

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By Jaden Francis - - 5 Mins Read
Kid in handcuffs
Arrested kid in handcuffs | Shutterstock

The city of Albuquerque was rattled to its core by a shocking crime wave perpetrated by an unlikely offender—a mere 11-year-old child.

After months of escalating chaos, the Albuquerque Police Department finally apprehended the young suspect late Thursday, bringing an end to a terrifying saga of car break-ins, shootings, and wanton violence that had the community living in fear.

A Sense of Relief, But Grave Concerns Remain

While Police Chief Harold Medina expressed palpable relief that the arrest went down without incident or the need for force against the juvenile, he made no attempt to downplay the gravity of the situation.

In his eyes, this 11-year-old was "extremely dangerous"—a loaded assessment stemming from the boy's brazen use of firearms and the escalating depravity of his crimes.

Medina took his concerns public on social media, airing his dismay that “despite his age, this suspect is considered very dangerous because of his use of a firearm and his escalating violence.” The chief argued that harsh consequences are necessary, decrying "disappointing to see an 11-year-old arrested for crimes – from burglary to shooting a firearm” as catalysts that must be addressed.

A Menacing Pattern Emerges

The crime spree kicked off with a seemingly minor car theft on May 5th, when a Kia Forte went missing. But it was just the tip of the iceberg.

By May 12th, reports emerged of a juvenile gang calling themselves the "Kia Boys" harassing residents – hurling rocks to break windows at one woman's home and striking her leg.

That same day, a 12-year-old girl ratted out the "Kia Boys" to police, revealing their penchant for targeting Kias specifically due to their ease of theft and their sickening habit of flaunting their stolen rides on TikTok and other social platforms. 

Rampant Escalation Leads to Gunfire

In the weeks that followed, the crimes metastasized in severity. A local business was ransacked on May 17th, with $15,000 in damages, after the perps crashed a stolen Kia through the security door to gain entry. 

But the most chilling incident came on May 29th, when a man was shot at by four juveniles in a parked Kia after asking them to leave his property.

Just days later, on June 1st, another victim was struck in the hand by gunfire from a 9mm handgun.

The "Kia Boys": A Sobering Phenomenon 

The moniker "Kia Boys" has taken on a sinister meaning in Albuquerque, representing a brazen subset of juvenile car thieves drawn to Kias for their ease of theft who've cultivated a disturbing presence on social media flaunting their ill-gotten rides.

Chief Medina has urged legislative action to address the perilous mix of youth access to firearms and the corrosive influence of online platforms.

The 11-year-old ringleader, whose name is withheld due to his age, faces a dizzying array of charges – from aggravated assault with a deadly weapon to conspiracy, shooting from a vehicle, shooting into an occupied dwelling, battery, unlawful weapon possession by a minor, property damage, and burglary.

A Microcosm of a Larger Crisis 

This appalling case exists within the context of a broader crisis of rising violent crime gripping New Mexico in recent years.

In 2022 alone, FBI data shows 16,494 incidents of violent crime statewide – homicides, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults.

Perhaps most alarming is the stratospheric surge in firearm deaths. Between 2010 and 2021, the state's age-adjusted rate of firearms deaths spiked by a staggering 87%, catapulting New Mexico from the 7th to 3rd highest rank nationally.

The arrest of this 11-year-old suspect serves as a harsh wake-up call for a community gripped by rising violence and desperate for solutions.

As Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico reckon with spiking crime rates, comprehensive measures to restrict youth access to firearms and curb the toxic influence of social media have become not just priorities but necessities in preserving public safety.
