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5 Extinct Animal Breeds Scientists Are Doing Everything to Revive

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By Erika John - - 5 Mins Read
AI illustration of the now extinct Woolly Mammoth
Woolly Mammoth | YT
Scientists Think These 5 Animals Shouldn’t Be Extinct, And Here’s Why!

If asked to make a list of animals you know existed, you would probably mention at least 10 popular ones we see or know about daily.


But in reality, there are many more animals you never discovered simply because they were extinct for several reasons.


In these articles, we compiled a list of 5 extinct animal species Scientists intend to revive and the fascinating facts behind them;



Life size reconstruction of the extinct Dodo bird endemic of Mauritius island, Raphus cucullatus
Dodo bird | AlessandroZocc/Shutterstock


The popular idiom, “As dead as a Dodo,” was inspired by this extinct bird species famous in the 15th and 16th centuries.


Apparently, Dutch settlers in the 17th century contributed to their extinction so much that there was no seeming chance of ever having a Dodo bird again. So people would use the idiom to mean that there was no hope for a situation, taking the literal situation of what happened to the Dodo bird.


Unlike most species, Dodos weren’t exactly hunted for food or skin by the Dutch dwellers. In the trade era of Mauritius Island during the 17th century, the Dutch brought rats and pigs who had a craving for Dodo eggs with them, and that caused a gradual extinction of the bird species.


Consumption of more Dodo eggs meant it could not be hatched into a baby Dodo. Years later, a preserved skeleton was found, meaning de-extinction could still be achieved.


2. Baiji River Dolphin


Hand painting of the Baiji River Dolphin
Hand-drawn version of the Baiji River Dolphin | Shutterstock


This species is the first set of Dolphins that were extinct by humans. Although research argues that the Baiji River Dolphin might still be preserved, it is important to note that they have not been sighted since 2002, when they were discovered at the Yangtze River in China.

It is still uncertain whether there is a need to proceed with de-extinction following claims of sightings of the cetacean species, which has yet to be confirmed. However, Recent research has affirmed that cloning the white dolphin would be easier since it is a more recent extinction than other animals that have gone missing for centuries. 

3. Bucardo


AI-generated photo of the Bucardo goat on a mountain top
Bucardo | YT


Also known as the Mountain Goats, these species of mammals have been extinct since 2000 due to the need for human migrants to develop some of the mountain regions for shelter, leading to a gradual extinction of the Bucardo’s habitat.


They were also hunted for food by humans who lived in the Spanish mountains. While they might have gone extinct for several years, it is fascinating to know they are also the first set of extinct animal species to be cloned in 2009.


A fertilized embryo was placed in a female goat so it could birth the calf, unfortunately, the calf died a few minutes after birth due to a poorly developed lungs. The scientists noted this and did a rerun that produced a successful clone at the time. There haven't been attempts to repeat the process ever since then, but earlier development makes it an easier feat to achieve in the future.

4. Wooly Mammoth


Wooly Mammoth illustration
Illustration of the Wooly Mammoth | Morphart Creation/Shutterstock


The Wooly Mammoth was among the most valued species thousands of years ago. Their extinction was discovered to be mostly influenced by climatic change rather than human interferences like hunting. Although it was last seen in the Arctic, there hasn’t been another Wooly Mammoth species long.


The Wooly Mammoth, an extinct mammal, is thought to have been similar in appearance to the Asian Elephant. In fact, the Asian Elephant is the closest living relative of the Wooly Mammoth, and scientists believe it could be instrumental in the de-extinction of the species. Fossils of the mammoth have been discovered multiple times, and researchers are currently working on cloning the animal successfully.


5. Gastric-brooding Frog

Gastric-brooding Frog
Illustration of the Gastric-brooding Frog | YT

One of the most fascinating species to ever exist. Their reproduction cycle is unique and different from other frog species. Some even suggest that the Gastric-brooding frog might have inspired Gynecologists to develop the idea of artificial insemination. It doesn’t come as a surprise seeing how the Gastric-brooding frog fertilizes its babies.


The male frog fertilizes the eggs, and the female frog swallows them and keeps the egg inside the belly for gestation. Weeks later, the female frog gives birth to tiny frogs through her mouth. Amazing, yeah? It is still shocking to discover that species like this easily became extinct with nothing done to avert it.


Still, research discovered that their extinction was mostly due to habitat loss (forests), food, and climatic change.


Scientists at the University of New South Wales are making attempts, and an embryo has been achieved thus far.


Which species intrigued you the most, and which would you like to see back here with us?
