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Switch Off Your Phones Once Per Week iPhone and Android Users

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By Brennan Forrest - - 5 Mins Read
Mobile phones
Featured | Daniel Romero/Unsplash

Have you ever checked your phone and seen messages or apps you didn't sign up for? Or maybe your phone's battery is draining really fast, and it feels like it's working overtime.


These could be signs that your phone has malware (malicious software).


Cybercriminals are developing new ways to attack our phones. They've created "zero-click" attacks that can put spyware on your phone without you even clicking a link.


This scary trend has made the National Security Agency (NSA) tell everyone to turn off their smartphones at least once a week. Why? Because this simple act can stop bad activities and protect your personal information.

Also read: Antivirus: Your Shield and Sword Against Digital Demons

How Turning Off Your Phone Helps


When you turn off your phone, it doesn't just take a nap – it resets its brain. This helps clear out temporary data and any malicious software that might have snuck in.


It's like giving your phone a little vacation to refresh and come back stronger.

A group of persons using their smartphones
Using smartphones | Shutterstock

Here are some phone safety tips:


Stopping Zero-Click Attacks


Zero-click attacks are really dangerous because you don't have to do anything for them to work. By turning off your phone, you cut off any ongoing malicious processes, giving your device a chance to start up clean and safe.


Logging Out of Sensitive Accounts


Restarting your phone also logs you out of apps and accounts, especially ones for banking and social media. This lowers the risk of hackers getting into your sensitive information if they've managed to get in.


Update Software Regularly


Always update your phone's software and apps. Companies release updates to fix security holes that hackers could use. Updating closes those holes.


Be Careful with Public WiFi


Public WiFi networks are playgrounds for hackers. Avoid using them for sensitive stuff like banking. If you must use public WiFi, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to encrypt your data.


Turn Off Unused Bluetooth


Bluetooth can be another way for cybercriminals to get in. When you're not using it, turn it off. This simple step can prevent unauthorized access to your device.


Watch Out for Phishing Scams


Be careful of emails or messages asking for personal information. These phishing attempts can look really convincing, pretending to be real companies or contacts. Always check the source before clicking on links or downloading anything.

Also read: Your New Phone Comes with Pre-installed Viruses You Had No Idea About

Signs Your Phone Might Be Infected


Even if you're careful, it's important to know the signs that your phone might have malware. Look out for:

Lots of Pop-Up Ads


If you're seeing pop-up ads when you're not using an app, it could be adware. These ads can be annoying and potentially harmful, trying to get you to go to bad websites.

Unexpected Charges


Check your phone bill or credit card statements. Unexplained charges might mean malicious services were added to your account without your knowledge.

Battery Draining Fast


If your battery is draining way faster than usual, it could be because malware is running in the background. This can seriously shorten the time between charges.

Phone Getting Hot


A phone that gets really hot to the touch might be overworking because of malicious software. In extreme cases, it can even melt or catch fire.

Slow Performance


Malware can take over your phone's resources, making it sluggish. It might be infected if your phone is suddenly much slower than usual.


In summary, cyber threats are getting smarter; simple habits can make a big difference.


Turning off your phone once a week is an easy but effective way to stop potential cyber attacks and keep your data safe.


Do this along with regular updates, be careful on public WiFi, and watch out for phishing scams, and you'll be well on your way to securing your mobile device. So go ahead, give your phone a break – it deserves it!
