One of the NBA greatest of all time, Michael Jordan, who will be celebrating his 60th birthday on Friday, has donated about $10 million to the Make-A-Wish foundation to make people's dreams come true. The six-time NBA champion Michael Jordan is known for his philanthropic endeavors, but this one is extraordinary.
Since the 43-year history of the Make-A-Wish foundation, they have not received an individual donation that is as big as Michael Jordan's.
Looking at Michael Jordan's net worth, the donation isn't a big deal for him but was deeply appreciated as it will go a long way in helping many individuals.
According to Michael Jordan, the major aim of making such a huge donation was to inspire others to make a lot of people's wishes come true. This donation was made mainly for children who want to fulfill their dreams, such as enrolling in a college education or even making it to the NBA.
"For the past 34 years, it's been an honor to partner with Make-A-Wish and help bring a smile and happiness to so many kids. Witnessing their strength and resilience during such a tough time in their lives has truly been an inspiration," Michael Jordan said una press release. This is not the first time Michael Jordan has donated to the organization. As a current owner of the NBA's Charlotte Hornets, Michael Jordan has donated to the Make-A-Wish foundation since 1989.
Michael Jordan Has Made Many Wishes a Reality
Since his first donation to the organization, Michael Jordan has made the wishes of children worldwide come true. According to data, he is even one of the most requested celebrity wish granters, and his latest donation even puts him high on the list.

Michael Jordan became the Make-A-Wish chief wish ambassador in 2008 for his numerous contributions and impact on many people's lives. The organization said Michael Jordan was deemed fit for the ambassadorship role because of the "life-changing impacts he has had on wish kids and their families."
While speaking about the donations he made, Michael Jordan said, " I can't think of a better birthday gift than seeing others join me in supporting Make-A-Wish so that every child can experience the magic of having their wish come true."
Michael Jordan's Assists Didn't End at the NBA
Over the years since Michael Jordan started making donations to the Make-A-Wish foundation, it has helped many people who lost hope in life.
There was a case of an 11-year-old named Katie Dankowski, who met with Michael Jordan in 2000 when she received treatment for a brain tumor. By granting her wish, Michael Jordan helped settle all the bills needed to carry out a successful operation on Katie Dankowski.
Michael Jordan granting her wish also helped her return to college and complete her education. According to information provided by Make-A-Wish, Katie later completed her college education and worked at her local chapter of the Make-A-Wish foundation for five years.