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Netanyahu Planning to Use Siege Tactics Against Hamas in Northern Gaza

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By Lami Adenekan - - 5 Mins Read
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Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | YT

The Israel-Palestine conflict has always been contentious but things have reached new levels of tensions, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly considering measures of stiff blockades on headquartering Hamas militants in the northern region of Gaza. It’s not just military maneuvers that are being spoken about — siege measures, which some argue should be strategies that belonged to the past, are being discussed too amidst rising temperatures in conflict.

What has drawn sharp attention, however, are the humanitarian concerns. The effecting of a blockade, namely cutting off vital supplies, could have repercussions beyond halting the militants. Residents on both sides are now seen to be under threat, and with global concerns rising, many are asking if this plan is not taking things a step too far.

Blockades: A Hazardous Tactic With a Dark History

Employing the blockade strategy would be a drastic shift in the way Israel has been dealing with the protracted Hamas conflict. More aggressive–and in this case, very barbarous. While the “simple” argument from Israeli defense officials is that pressure points can break into the strongholds of the militant group, it must be noted that this approach is also fraught with serious problems, as history shows us the price of such tactics. Civilians (especially those caught right within the crossfire) are the most endangered.

For instance, the Siege of Leningrad in World War II which was characterized by a great deal of suffering left millions starving or frozen to death. International organizations, including the UN, have already issued strong warnings. In all probability such a blockade will further aggravate the already critical humanitarian situation in Northern Gaza.

Humanitarian Crisis in Focus: What’s at Stake?

Should Israel choose to proceed with this strategy, the already perilous humanitarian situation could go further downhill. Already, there is a severe shortage of resources (food, water, medical supplies). A 2024 report from the World Food Programme has indicated a horrifying 96% of Gaza residents facing food insecurity. Any further restrictions would surely topple the scale, producing outcomes that can't be predicted.

International Tensions: Could This Move Backfire?

This move could result in a dramatic diplomatic fallout. There are arguments that Netanyahu's strategy puts his nation at risk of losing key international allies. The US, known for its solid backing of the Israeli nation, may now be forced to review its support, and European nations are already expressing alarm over potential danger to human rights.

In addition to the precarious diplomatic situation is the practical question: Will this blockade even be successful in the first place? Critics are pointing out the historical trend of Hamas adapting or drawing support in such times of pressure.

Blockade Projections: The Potential Human Cost

You might be wondering what the likely consequences of a blockade will be if implemented by Netanhanyu. Below are some of the likely ways it could cost the civilians.

  1. Humanitarian Strain: The situation is already bad for the population of Gaza, and a blockade will plunge the crisis into deeper darkness.
  2. Civilian Vulnerability: With more than 1.5million people crammed in a humanitarian region that comprises barely 15% of the Gaza region, the civilians are facing not only military, but health hazards as well.
  3. Global Response: Sieges often generate criticism, and any further military action taken at this point will only escalate current regional conflicts.

The Bottom Line

As the State of Israel decides on this matter, it is pertinent to note that their action could give rise to human suffering on a massive scale. The situation begs the question: How far is too far when balancing security with humanity?

More insights concerning war strategy and civilian protection laws are available at the UN peacekeeping guidelines.
