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UK Resumes Funding to UNRWA

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By Ehimen Aimudogbe - - 5 Mins Read
Flag of the United Kingdom
Photo | Dean Moriarty

The recently elected Labor government in the United Kingdom resumes funding humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees, according to a statement made by Foreign Secretary David Lammy. Lammy disclosed this development to the Parliament last Friday, explaining that the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) can now receive funding from the state. 

The United Kingdom, alongside several other countries, had previously suspended funding UNRWA earlier in the year due to Israeli accusations that the October 7 attack by Palestinian group Hamas on Southern Israel involved some agency staff. Israel claimed over 2,135 UNRWA employees belonged to organizations like Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, both proscribed terrorist groups by Israel, the UK, the US, and other nations.

However, an independent review by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna showed that Israel had no concrete evidence for its claims. Most countries who suspended their funding have reinstated their support for the agency since the review, with Britain's resumption being the most recent.

“Absolutely Central” Humanitarian Aid

When speaking to the UK Parliament last Friday, Foreign Secretary David Lammy described the UNRWA as “absolutely central” to offering humanitarian aid in Gaza. He added a commitment to giving an annual funding of 21 million pounds ($27 million) to the UN agency in new funds, heralding the funding suspension placed by the former government. 

According to the Foreign Office, 6 million pounds will go to the UNRWA's flash appeal for Gaza while 15 million pounds will go to the agency's budget to supply services in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories and the larger region. 

Praising the UNRWA's efforts in Gaza, Lammy said the agency had taken sufficient steps to meet "the highest standards of neutrality". UNRWA works with various international donors, volunteers, and agencies to provide education, health, and aid to millions of Palestinians caught in the heat of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.

Responding to the announcement by the UK’s Foreign Office, UNRWA spokeswoman Juliette Touma says the agency embraces the announcement, highlighting a “critical time” for humanitarian needs in Gaza. Touma, on behalf of the agency, reassured the British government that it intends to implement recommendations from the independent review, especially concerning maintaining "neutrality".

While the UK Rejects Calls to Ban Weapon Sales to Israel

While speaking to the House of Commons last Friday, Mr. Lammy rejected calls from some Labor MPs to impose a ban on all UK weapons sales to Israel. About 14 Labor backbenchers, alongside Green MPs and pro-Gaza independents, reportedly called for the ban. 

However, the foreign minister said it wouldn't be "right to have a “blanket ban", highlighting that Israel has "one of the toughest neighborhoods in the world." Mr. Lammy says that the Office would keep arms export licenses under review via already ongoing assessments of Israel's compliance by the government's attorneys.


The UK government resumes UNRWA funding, according to a Friday announcement from Foreign Secretary David Lammy. Mr. Lammy announced an annual provision of 21 million pounds to the agency while rejecting calls from some MPs to ban arms sales to Israel.
