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What Missiles Does North Korea Plan to Test? A Quick Look into North Korea's Previous Missile Tests

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By Oscar Blair - - 5 Mins Read

It seems like Kim Jong Un is increasing the tests conducted on North Korea's military equipment as the country plans to test another nuclear missile. North Korea has been testing several missiles, including hypersonic and ballistic missiles. According to the stats which show the country's missile testing, it reveals that North Korea tested more missiles in 2022 than it has done in any previous years. And in 2023, Kim Jong Un wants to continue that trend. 

The hypersonic missiles that are part of North Korea's military equipment cannot be detected by radar when flying at a low altitude. Apart from that, this type of missile North Korea has is several times faster than the speed of sound. From a report, Kim Jong Un and his military launched nearly 90 missiles last year, far higher than any previous numbers. 

Information from the Japanese government revealed North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile with a short-range trajectory last year. According to the Japanese government, that missile could have hit the mainland US assuming North Korea launched it with a low trajectory. The images leaked from the missile launch last year showed that it was a Hwasong-17 - or possibly a modified version. The image also showed Kim Jong Un with his daughter watching the missile launch. 

A recent North Korea missile test (Shutterstock)

In recent years, North Korea has tested several versions of the Hwasong missiles: a group of ballistic missiles. They have successfully tested the Hwasong 12, 14, 15, and 17 versions of the missiles. The Hwasong 17 was the test launch that gave North Korea a lot of problems last year before they recorded success with its launch. 

North Korea's Nuclear Missiles 

Hypersonic and ballistic missiles aren't North Korea's only missiles in their collection. They also have a collection of known nuclear missiles that are said to be more than six times stronger than what the US used in Hiroshima during the Second World War.

The last time North Korea tested its nuclear missiles was in 2017. During this particular test, they held it at the Punggye-ri test site, and it was said to carry a force of 100-370 kilotons. This made experts conclude that the force from the nuclear bomb North Korea tested was more powerful than the one the United States used during the Second World War. 

During the tests, North Korea claimed it was its first thermonuclear device. It is not confirmed if North Korea was telling the truth. According to a researcher known as Mr. Byrne, North Korea might be planning to launch a smaller missile very soon. But Mr. Byrne says the nuclear missile will be small but with an equal force and power as the first one. "It seems they are now testing a new capability - a miniaturized warhead that can be fitted onto a range of missiles, including short-range missiles," Mr. Byrne said. 

In 2018, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un promised the former president of America, Donald Trump, that they would be destroying their nuclear test sites. But it seems work has started in those sites again in preparation for their new tests. IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said, "We have observed indications of the operation of facilities and of construction work at the Yongbyon site, as well as activities at other locations."
