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Common Hiding Places for Cockroaches and How to Find Them

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By Erika John - - 5 Mins Read
A person holds up a dead cockroach
Exterminating cockroaches | Shutterstock

Do you know what attracts cockroaches and where they like to hide? Having these creepy crawlies in your house is definitely not cool.


In this article, we'll explore the world of cockroaches, including their habits and common hiding spots.


By understanding their behavior and taking some effective prevention measures, you can avoid having to deal with a roach infestation.

But What Can a Cockroach Do?

Cockroaches possess incredible abilities, such as scuttling, flying, walking upside down, and flattening their bodies to fit into the narrowest crevices.


They can be compared to shape-shifting transformers, seamlessly disappearing from sight.


Typically silent, unless making a racket while striding confidently across your belongings, these pests are undoubtedly resilient.

Exterminating a cockroach with a bug spray
Using a bug spray | Shutterstock


Regardless of their size, whether half an inch (1.3 cm) or 2 inches (5.1 cm), cockroaches are the most accomplished insects in the United States.


Their adaptability, combined with other unique traits, makes them a challenging species to eradicate.

Common Cockroach-Hiding Places

Let's uncover some of theregular hiding places of cockroaches below:

The Ceiling: A Preferred Gathering Spot

Dark rooms with low ceilings often serve as a congregation area for cockroaches. These agile pests scurry away quickly or find a less visible spot when exposed to light or human presence.


When spotted on the ceiling, they are likely emerging from cracks or intricate areas, such as crown molding.


Catching a cockroach dwelling on the ceiling is no easy task. They may fall onto you or disappear into unreachable hiding spots, making it a challenge to eliminate them from your surroundings effectively.

Water-Loving Insects

Cockroaches are attracted to moisture. Locations where pipes enter a home, either through walls, floors, or the backs of cupboards, provide the perfect environment for these pests.


The continuous release of warm condensation from exposed pipes on walls makes them attractive hiding spots. The area surrounding washers and dryers is also a common area of infestation.


By insulating and sealing gaps between piping and walls, as well as the backs of cupboards and cabinets, you can effectively prevent dampness, making these areas less enticing to roaches.


Take extra caution when controlling areas where pipes end at a faucet, as cockroaches can scale up and enter open faucets.


Seeking Comfort in Furniture

Cockroaches share our affinity for cozy furniture that strikes the right balance between firmness, softness, and warmth.


Their flat and sleek bodies allow them to squeeze into tight spaces, enabling them to experience both the upper and lower textures of fabrics and materials.


Welcoming new furniture into your home requires caution. Always inspect for pre-existing eggs or potential roaches.


Cockroaches are notorious for making furniture their home, laying eggs, and creating colonies that can rapidly multiply within weeks.


Look out for yellow and white egg casings, often found under wooden or plastic tables and chairs.

Fascinating Facts About Cockroaches

Cockroaches have been on Earth for over 280 million years, making them one of the oldest creatures.


With around 5,000 species spread worldwide, these adaptable insects, capable of reaching speeds up to 3 mph (4.8 kph) with their six legs, have stood the test of time.


Certain cities in the United States have significant cockroach populations. According to a recent study by PestGnome, Houston ranks as the top city with the highest roach prevalence, likely due to its hot and humid climate.


Conversely, colder cities like Boston, ranked 21st, experience milder roach situations.
