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White House Background Check Prevents Gun Sales to Youths, Domestic Abusers

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By Ehimen Aimudogbe - - 5 Mins Read
The White House, United States
White House illuminated in blue and white to show support for Israel | News9/YT

White House says it has blocked gun sales to people under 21 and those convicted of domestic violence over the past year, following enhanced background checks. The FBI reportedly completed over 300,000 enhanced background checks under Biden’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, blocking over 3,500 transactions.

Homicide Rates Drop Following Biden's Gun Control Measures

Homicides have reportedly dropped by 17% over the last year, building on the US' largest-ever drop in homicides in 2023. Data from the White House also showed that mass shootings were down 20% to date in 2024, compared to 2023, and are set to reach their lowest level since 2019.

The said FBI checks were in tandem with the provisions of Biden's Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which became effective in June 2022. Of the 3,500 gun-related transactions denied, nearly 900 blocked sales followed improved background checks. 

Speaking on the development, Stefanie Feldman, who leads the new office, said the improvement demonstrated the impact of a wide range of executive actions from Biden's administration and increased funding to enforce existing laws and mental health programs. She also highlighted improved collaboration among federal agencies and close work with state and local governments as leading factors behind the progress. 

Feldman Claims Gun Violence is Apolitical

US Democrats favor stricter gun laws as a means of reducing deaths from gun violence. Republicans, on the other hand, generally reject tougher laws, emphasizing the right to bear arms according to the US Constitution's Second Amendment.

However, despite these partisan divides, Feldman believes her office has partnered well with state and local elected officials from the Republican parties, as 17 states have passed laws addressing gun violence. 

Her office, she says, is also working with non-elected officials, such as medical practitioners, law enforcement agents, and community leaders – including Republicans – towards reducing gun violence. To Feldman, gun violence is apolitical because "everyone wants their kid to come from school safely. Everyone wants their kid to be able to go play in the neighborhood and be safe."

"The further you get away from Washington, the less political this issue is," she said. Although she didn't provide the details, Feldman said the Biden administration would introduce more firearm regulations she described as "wholly new ideas" before leaving office.


US White House says background checks have blocked hundreds of gun sales after President Joe Biden created a new office to monitor youth gun ownership and advance domestic violence prevention. Stefanie Feldman, who heads the office, says Biden's administration is set to introduce fresh gun control measures before leaving office.
