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30 Unbelievable Crypto Stories That Blew Our Socks Off

By Augustine Mbam - December 27, 2022 - 5 Mins Read

India’s Biggest Bitcoin Scam

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has never liked cryptocurrency in general and Bitcoin in particular. Maybe that’s why he became the victim of one of the boldest cyber attacks and Bitcoin scams in the history of Twitter.

Narendra Modi’s Twitter account was hacked and scammers published a message saying that the Indian government has bought 500 Bitcoins. They even went as far as asking people to donate their Bitcoins to a noble cause of fighting Covid.

The Prime Minister’s account has around 73 million followers and the damage could have been irreparable! Luckily, the message was intercepted almost instantaneously and, hopefully, no one was deceived by the scam.