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Apple Dumps Vision Pro for Cheaper Alternative

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By Jerry Walters - - 5 Mins Read
Man wearing the Apple Vision Pro and interacting with its features using hand gestures
Featured | Shutterstock

Apple has decided to pivot its strategy for the Vision Pro headset.

Instead of working on a more advanced and high-end version, the company is shifting its focus toward developing a more wallet-friendly and accessible iteration.

The New Plan

Apple initially planned to develop two new headsets: a highly advanced one and a more affordable one. However, they have now opted to focus solely on creating the cheaper version.

This decision likely stems from their attentiveness to customer feedback and the poor sales performance of the current Vision Pro headset.

Apple Vision Pro headset

Apple Vision Pro | Jack Skeens / Shutterstock.com

A new alternative is a pretty big shift in strategy. The Vision Pro was supposed to be this groundbreaking device that would change how we use computers.

But at $3,500, it's just too expensive for most people. So Apple's taking a step back and thinking about how to make this cool technology available to more of us.

What to Expect from the Cheaper Headset

The new, more budget-friendly Vision headset should be out by the end of 2025. It'll still have nice displays, but it won't have all the bells and whistles of the original Vision Pro.

This helps cut costs and makes it lighter - about a third lighter, actually! That's great news because some people thought the first one was too heavy.

Price-wise, we're looking at somewhere between $1,500 and $2,500. That's a lot less than the $3,500 price tag on the current Vision Pro.

This could mean more people might be able to buy one and experience this mixed reality tech for themselves.

Why the Change?

The initial Vision Pro is impressive, but it comes with a hefty price tag, and some people think it's a bit too bulky.

Additionally, there have been some software glitches that have frustrated users. These issues may have prompted Apple to reconsider its approach.

Interest in the Vision Pro seems to have decreased recently. According to one expert, Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple may only sell half the number of units they originally anticipated this year, possibly just 400,000 instead of 800,000. This significant decrease indicates that the market might not be quite prepared for such a pricey device.

But don't worry - Apple isn't giving up on the Vision Pro. They're still working on improving its software and planning to sell it in more countries.

They've announced a new version of the operating system, visionOS 2.0, and they're getting ready to launch in places like China, Japan, the UK, and several other countries.


How They're Making It Cheaper

To get the price down to around $1,500, Apple is making some changes. They're taking off the external display, which was a cool but probably unnecessary feature. They're using slightly less fancy internal displays, which should still look great but cost less.

They might use a chip similar to what's in iPhones, which would be powerful enough but cheaper than the custom chips in the Vision Pro.

These tweaks help lower the cost while still keeping it a cool device. It's all about finding that sweet spot between price and performance.

It makes sense for Apple to shift focus to a more affordable headset instead of continuing with the ultra-advanced Vision Pro 2. By doing so, they can attract a larger audience and generate more interest in this innovative technology.

Apple's goal is not just to sell devices; they aim to build an entire ecosystem around these mixed-reality headsets.

To achieve this, they need widespread adoption of the technology, with developers creating apps, businesses utilizing it, and the technology becoming integrated into our daily lives.
