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Liz Truss: Who is the UK’s New Prime Minister?

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By Shella Artillero - - 5 Mins Read

Liz Truss will take over as prime minister of the United Kingdom. She has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party after a two-month election. 

There is just one thing left for Truss to do: fly to Scotland's Balmoral, where the Queen will formally invite her to form a government.

In a little more than six years, Liz Truss will be the fourth leader and prime minister of the Conservative Party. She is the third woman to serve as Queen Elizabeth's prime minister and the fifteenth overall.

When she was first elected to Parliament in 2010, she quickly rose to the top. She became the environment secretary in David Cameron's government four years later. 

She continued on to work for Theresa May as the justice secretary, then for Johnson as the foreign secretary and chief secretary to the Treasury.

"Honored to be elected Leader of the Conservative Party"

A self-described economic libertarian, Truss. In the 2016 UK referendum on EU membership, she enthusiastically backed staying in, but she afterwards switched to being a born-again leaver. 

She has espoused the virtues of Brexit and taken a noticeably harsh position against Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine.

In the race for president in 2022, Truss' particular brand of economic libertarianism, political optimism, and hawkishness was pivotal. Although she made a lot of mistakes and U-turns, her tax-cutting plan and her former commitment to Johnson provided her a significant advantage over Sunak.

As the new prime minister, Truss must deal with numerous difficult obstacles, including escalating inflation, exorbitant energy prices, declining public services, on-going industrial action, and a Scottish administration that favors independence. 

Liz Truss has to deal with the conflict in Ukraine and tense ties with the European Union abroad.

Truss will replace Boris Johnson, who was compelled to step down as Conservative leader and prime minister in July.

A mass resignation of around 60 ministers and other political appointees, including Sajid Javid, the health secretary, and Rishi Sunak, the chancellor of the exchequer, came in protest to Johnson’s mishandling of a scandal involving Chris Pincher, the government’s former deputy chief whip.
